The cultural association Oblast offers the possibility of artist residency, exhibitions, theatre performances and musical productions at the Jewish cemetery in Telč.
The gallery
(measuring 6 x 6 x 6 meters) is located in the former ceremonial hall.
The object lies on the outskirts of the city and operates without electricity.
Accommodation, including kitchen facilities, is provided on the premises.
The exhibition space is available free of charge.
Self-supervision of the exhibition is required. Due to the nature of the location, consider in advance the suitability of exhibited artworks.
We can arrange local promotion and other possible support. Saturdays are closed days.
The map
Do not hesitate! We are looking for new artists! New art! Contact us!
Kulturní spolek OBLAST, z.s.,
Palackého 28, 588 56 Telč
IČO: 63438313,
č.ú.: 2900139453/2010